“This class absolutely exceeded my expectations in every way. It helped keep me grounded during a difficult period and provided the support and direction I needed to engage with my writing.” - prior workshop student

Shannon has taught creative writing at Texas State University, through the Austin Public Library, at the Travis County Jail, at Austin Bat Cave, and for private groups. She also offers editing services for writers working on fiction projects.

If you are interested in hiring Shannon as a fiction writing teacher or editor, you can reach her at shannon.perri@gmail.com.

Below you’ll find details about her upcoming 2021 fiction workshop through Austin Bat Cave.

What’s NExt? A 6-week Short Fiction wOrkshop with Shannon Perri

 Cost: $395

Jan. 20th - Feb. 24th, 2021, Weds. evenings, 6:00pm-8:30pm CST

Sign up here!

You’ve shown up for the page, perhaps before work, perhaps while the baby sleeps, and now you have a draft of something. You’ve read it over and over to yourself, yet you still feel in the dark.

What’s next?

Now is the time to take the plunge and share your fiction-in-progress with a supportive, dedicated group of writers who are also striving to better their work.

In this 6-week short fiction workshop, each student will have the opportunity to submit two fiction pieces for feedback. Short stories, flash fiction, and novel excerpts will all be accepted. Each submission will receive thoughtful, constructive feedback through discussion and written critiques, provided by both the instructor and fellow classmates. The goal is that you’ll leave the workshop with ideas for revision that honor your story’s intention while also expanding your understanding of it. Often, fresh eyes can help you see the work anew.

Further, the hope is that through engagement with others’ writing, you’ll sharpen your editorial eye and broaden your ideas about what fiction can do, as well as how to do it. Throughout the workshop, our conversations will explore craft topics such as plot, style, point-of-view, pacing, voice, revision, and character development. We’ll also discuss how to build a writing life and submit your work for publication.

If you are seeking growth and community as a fiction writer, then this class is for you. All levels are welcome and encouraged to register.